Trauma impacts every aspect of your functioning and may leave you feeling numb, isolated, or agitated. Trauma most often imprints in our minds and bodies that we have been involved in or witnessed an event in which we experienced a loss of control and, in turn, an inability to take protective actions, making us feel helpless.
Trauma is the lasting emotional response that often results from living through a distressing event. Experiencing a traumatic event can harm a person’s sense of safety, sense of self, and ability to regulate emotions and navigate relationships. Long after the traumatic event occurs, people with trauma can often feel shame, helplessness, powerlessness and intense fear.
Common Symptoms
Feelings of shock, denial, or disbelief;
Difficulty concentrating;
Increased irritability or mood swings;
Increased anxiety or fear;
Withdrawing from others;
Feeling disconnected or numb;
Flashbacks to the traumatic event;
Physical symptoms such as headaches, chest pain, or nausea;
Feeling overwhelmed or frustrated;
Change in appetite;
Difficulty sleeping; and/or;
Difficulty enjoying things you used to enjoy.
Is it Time to Make a Change?
Often, trauma tricks you into thinking that you are unsafe and it causes you to experience anxiety and depression. However, this does not need to be your way of life. You do not need to “cope” with anxiety. Through Traumatic Incident Reduction, our goal is to support you in achieving resolution through gently finding ways to resolve your trauma. In developing tools that you can use consistently to regulate your experience of a traumatic event, you will learn to achieve a new way of living. If you are noticing that you want to reengage with your life and gain control again, it is time to make a change and reach out to our team.